The Pantaloons present their horrifically innovative take on Robert Louis Stevenson’s murky tale of murder, mystery and transmogrification! When lawyer John Utterson fears that his friend Dr Jekyll is being blackmailed by the shadowy and violent Mr Hyde he begins an investigation that will inexorably lead him to the shocking truth of this strange case – but will it be too late…?
“Enjoyable, exciting and incredibly funny… truly wonderful.” ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (Buzz Magazine)
The Pantaloons are a vibrant and anarchic theatre company who bring what we consider to be a vital sense of “play” back to classical performance. In our theatre, your imagination is just as important as ours.
The Pantaloons draw from a wide variety of popular theatre traditions, from commedia dell’arte and pantomime to stand-up comedy and silent movies, to bring what we consider to be a vital sense of “play” back to classical performance.
The theatre box office and bar will open at 6.30pm for ticket collection, sales and refreshments. The auditorium will open at 7.00pm for the show to commence at 7.30pm.
There will be a 20 minute interval.
To purchase a ticket for a Wheelchair User please either email or call 01227 287234
Box Office Tel: 01227 287234
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